Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Gathering of Writers

Last night was the weekly gathering of my writers critique group. We are the Puget Sound Writers Guild ( We are feisty, committed, opinionated, caring, daring, funny and too often perplexed with our own writing process. But we are honest and supportive of each others' writing process. We hear three presentations - usually scenes, sometimes planning material - and give constructive feedback. This is where the laughter and the bantering erupts.

We offer a class - the novice class - for those interested in learning the internal structure and process for creating, writing and fine editing novel-length stories. Our newest 'graduating class' is now with us. Each new member adds a unique perspective, and it's fun to see them stretch and grow as professional writers.

I am in the early stages of writing a medieval who-dun-it involving a beguine sleuth. We're currently in 1280 Bruges and three innocent souls have died. Or were they so innocent?

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